Robert-Bosch-Str. 5
46354 Südlohn

Tel.: +49 (0) 2862 / 9807-0

VAT ID No: DE-813282334
Represented by:
Jonas Wissing, Judith Deitert (General Managers)
Recorded in the commercial register:
Register No: HRB 4582
Court: District Court of Coesfeld



§ 1 Limitation of liability
The content of this website is created with the greatest possible care. However, the operator assumes no liability for whether the provided content is accurate, complete, and up to date. The content of this website is used at the user’s own risk. Contributions identified by name reflect the relevant author’s opinion and not that of the operator. Mere use of the operator’s website does not result in any contractual relationship coming into effect between the user and the operator.

§ 2 External links
This website contains links that lead to third-party websites (“External Links”). Such websites are subject to the liability of the relevant operator. Prior to posting External Links, the operator of this website reviews the third-party content for whether it is in violation of any laws. At that time, no violations of the law were apparent. The operator has no influence over the current or future design or over the content of linked-to pages. The posting of External Links does not mean that the operator embraces the content behind the reference or link. The operator cannot be reasonably expected to permanently monitor these External Links without specific evidence of legal violations. However, should it become aware of violations of the law, such External Links will be promptly deleted.

§ 3 Copyright and ancillary copyright
The content published on this website is protected by German copyright and ancillary copyright. Any exploitation not permitted by the German law on copyright and ancillary copyright requires the prior written consent of the operator or the relevant holder of the right. This applies, in particular, to the reproduction, processing, translation, storage, or rendition of content in databases or other electronic media or systems. In this regard, third-party content and rights are identified as such. The unauthorised reproduction or rendition of individual parts of content or complete pages is not permitted and is criminally punishable. Only copying and downloading for personal, private, non-commercial use is permitted.

§ 4 Special terms of use
If special terms for individual uses of this website deviate from the above sections, express reference is made thereto at the corresponding location. In such case, the special terms of use apply in the given individual case.
Source: Impressum-Generator, solicitors found at